Our company
The company «PLANETAHOST» LLC has been holding a stable position in the telecommunication services market for many years. We have many reliable partners and regular customers who have long enjoyed our services, grew and developed with us. "PlanetaHost" LLC was formed as an independent organization in 2013, having separated from the telecommunications company Internet-Cosmos due to the expansion of the region and the increase in the number of services provided.
Growth history of the company
In 2000, the «Internet-Cosmos» telecommunications company was established to provide integrated communication services to legal entities and individuals in Moscow and the Moscow Region:
- broadband internet services
- data transfer services over dedicated communication channels
- iptv services
- international, long-distance and local telephone services
In 2007, the company expands its geography, as well as the range of services provided, and enters the market with a new project, The efforts of the project team are focused on promoting
- services for own server park equipment leasing
- services of virtual hosting and domain name registration in popular areas
- virtual dedicated server services based on virtual KVM technologies
In the year of 2013 , in accordance with the opening of its own data centre in the center of Moscow, introducing new services and the need for additional concentration of efforts towards improving customer service quality, it was decided to allocate the project to a separate legal entity «Planetahost» LLC.
Currently data center "PlanetHost" provides the following services:
- VDS/VPS - virtual dedicated servers using KVM technology
- dedicated server hardware rental (dedicated server rental)
- colocation of your hardware in our data centre - server colocation(colocation)
- domains
- SSL certificates
as well as help in setting up and administering servers.
Why choose a data center
Fast project

Protection of the territory,
24/7 access
to data centre
around the clock operates on the basis of licenses for the right to carry out activities issued by the Federal Service for Supervision in the Field of Communications and Mass Communications. Licenses can be found here.
Not so long ago we checked the server fleet update. Currently, we offer vds / vps servers on fast SSD and SAS drives, as well as modern and powerful equipment for rent.
Our office and data center is located in the center of Moscow in the Central Administrative District at the address Moscow, Perevedenovsky lane, 13
The office is located in the Basmanny district, near historical sites and monuments of culture and architecture. Not far from our office there are - Yelokhovsky Cathedral, the house-museum of A.S. Pushkin and the famous "German Sloboda" with Lefortovo Park and the Yauza river locks.
The office of Internet Cosmos and Planetahost is located in a modern business center on the territory of the former industrial zone - the territory of the Tsentrosoyuz warehouses. The territory of the Tsentrosoyuz warehouse is an architectural monument.
All-Russian Central Union. One of the best art deco buildings in Moscow. Architects Ivan Fomin, Nikolai Colli, Ivan Zholtovsky, years of 1930-1936.
Our office is located on the 5th floor of a modern business center.
The PlanetaHost team is young, energetic and highly qualified specialists who are ready to provide support and advice on any issues 24 hours a day and 7 days a week.
Combining the tradition of interaction with customers, current trends and IT technologies we achieve the highest quality service to our customers.
Please send your feedback and suggestions to e-mail
Your opinion is valuable to us.

With love and care,