When you make this type of certificate, only the domain name is checked. This is the simplest and cheapest type of SSL certificates. Buy such an SSL certificate can both individuals and legal entities. When ordering a certificate, you will need to specify an "E-mail address for confirmation" in the certified domain; it is at this address that your "domain ownership" will be confirmed. The specified address must exist, all letters with instructions of the certification center will be sent to this E-mail.
Please note that registration of certificates for domains in the name of which contain hints of a bank, finance and other suspicions of "phishing" is impossible. If you really represent a credit organization, then it is possible for you to issue certificates only with the validation of the organization.
When issuing certificates "with the validation of the organization" is carried out not only validation of the domain name, but also the fact that the certified domain belongs to the specified organization. When you visit a site protected by such a certificate in the address bar of your browser will show the name of your organization. Before placing your order, make sure that, according to WHOIS data, your domain really belongs to your organization, and not to any individual, for example, the director or system administrator of the company. In addition, for some types of certificates, you will need to fill out a form with the data of your organization, to check them with a certification center.
From 03/11/2022 Comodo, RapidSSL, Twawte, Symantec, GeoTrust SSL certificates
not available for ordering and renewal on the territory of the Russian Federation and Belarus.
Certification Centers stop issuing and reissuing certificates for companies associated with Russia and Belarus. This includes stopping the issuance and re-issuance of certificates for .ru, .su, .by, .rf and other domains, as well as for organizations registered in these countries.

Support for domains in national languages, domains containing non-Latin characters. If your domain name contains non-Latin characters, then in order to receive a certificate for such a website, you need to order a certificate with IDN support.
Certificates with an advanced validation level of your organization. For this type of certificate, all checks of your organization are carried out, including the mandatory filling out of forms with the data of your organization certified by signature and print. The reward for complex design is the highest level of confidence in such certificates from browsers. Using the "green address bar" the browser signals to visitors to your site that the site has been seriously tested and all data transmitted between the visitor and the site are securely protected.
Green Address Bar looks like:
Wildcard certificate can be used on all subdomains of your domain name. One such certificate will be valid on,,, etc. without any restrictions on the number of subdomains. When generating a request for a wildcard certificate as a Common Name (CN), use "*", where is your domain name.
Certificates with support for enforcing a high level of encryption provide the highest level of encryption, regardless of the types and versions of client browsers. If a user uses an old browser version that supports only 40 or 56 bit encryption, then using an SGC certificate, the connection will still use 128 bit encryption.
For several online projects on separate domains, it is convenient to use a multi-domain certificate. It protects multiple domains at once on one or more servers. The certificate can be extended to 3 or more domains (indicated in the name), if you need to connect more domains to this certificate, you must purchase this option separately. A multi-domain certificate also saves you time - when the validity period ends, you renew one SSL for many domains. This is more convenient than renewing one SSL per domain.