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News and events

If you want to quickly receive information about new tariffs, services, special offers held by PlanetaHost, subscribe to the newsletter. To subscribe to the newsletter send an empty letter from your mailbox to news-on@planetahost.ru

  • December 23, 2015

    Changes in "Server colocation" service

    Dear clients.
     We inform you that the withdrawal of funds for the "Server colocation" service from 01/23/2016 will be carried out monthly.

    We strongly recommend to take into account this fact when planning service payment. 

  • December 22, 2015

    Dear clients, Happy New Year!

    The company PlanetaHost wishes you a Happy New Year, and thanks for using our services.
    In the New Year, we wish you a great mood, creative inspiration and achievement of your goals!

    In connection with the upcoming holidays, the work of the subscriber department will be carried out according to the following schedule:
     December 31, year of 2015 -- from 10:00 to 14:00
     January 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, year of 2016 -- days off.
      Starting from January 11, 2016, the subscriber department works as usual.
    The technical support service works as usual all holidays (around the clock).


  • December 22, 2015

    Changes in the contract with annexes for colocation services

    Moscow                                                                                                                     12/22/2015 

    Dear clients! 
    In accordance with clause 2.6 «Server colocation contract with annexes» on the possibility of making changes and additions to the current agreement, we inform you about the introduction of an amendment to section 4. «ORDER OF CALCULATIONS» the following paragraphs: 
    4.16. In case of non-payment of services for placement of equipment by the SUBSCRIBER for a period of more than one month, the OPERATOR has the right to physically remove the equipment from its data center and transfer it to luggage storage, paid by the SUBSCRIBER in accordance with the current OPERATOR tariffs. Re-installation and connection of equipment of the USER is paid in accordance with the current tariffs of the OPERATOR 
    4.17. The Subscriber agrees that the OPERATOR has the right to withhold the equipment of the SUBSCRIBER Subject to transfer to the SUBSCRIBER or to the person authorized by the SUBSCRIBER in case of delay in paying the debt for the Service, including reimbursement to the OPERATOR of associated costs and other damages, until the corresponding obligation of the SUBSCRIBER for Payment will not be fully executed. In the event of the right to foreclose on the equipment being retained, the OPERATOR is entitled to foreclose out of court, in accordance with Art. 359 and 360 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. A foreclosure can be made no earlier than 3 (three) months from the time of arrears, and not earlier than 10 (ten) days after the written notification of the SUBSCRIBER. 
    These changes take effect within 10 days from the moment of their publication on the Operator’s WWW-server at: http://planetahost.ru, i.e. from 01/02/2016 year. 
    If the Subscriber does not agree to continue this Contract on new terms, he is entitled to cancel this Contract unilaterally, having previously notified the Operator 10 (ten) working days before the expected termination date, in accordance with clause 4.15 of the contract.  

  • December 11, 2015

    Domains .PRO more accessible!

    Now registration of domain names .PRO is significantly simplified. The domain registry no longer requests the following data:

     - domain name administrator profession;
     - administrative body (university, etc.), in which the administrator received a profession;
     - URL (administrative body website);;
     - the number of the document (diploma / certificate) certifying the profession of the administrator;
     - a license from a state body or an organization under its control, if the activity is subject for licensing;
     - contact information related to the profession specifics.

    Regular verification of professional data is also terminated.


  • November 25, 2015

    ISPmanager version 4: the termination of sales and updates

    Dear customers, we are notifying you that  ISPsystem company   stops selling the 4th version products (ISPmanager) in a week. Support for products of this version, in particular, the release of critical security updates, will stop in a year, from December 1, 2016.

  • November 17, 2015

    Attack to the MySQL server in order to make DDoS attacks

    The Symantec company announced the detection of malicious software that infects servers with MySQL databases in order to use them to carry out DDoS attacks. At the first stage of penetration, by exploiting vulnerabilities in web applications that allow substitution of SQL code, a malicious embedded procedure is loaded into the DBMS, which loads and executes the Chikdos Trojan program on the server that connects the host to the botnet for DDoS attacks. Most of the affected systems are fixed in India, China, Brazil and the Netherlands. Only MySQL assemblies for the Windows platform are affected, but theoretically the attack can be adapted for Linux (the Chikdos Trojan used is also available for Linux). 

  • October 28, 2015

    Technical works 10/28/2015 from 10 pm to 11 pm

    Dear clients!

    On October 28, 2015, the planned technical work was carried out to upgrade the network infrastructure of our data center. 

    Network isolation has been improved, which has increased protection against DDoS attacks, as well as reduced ping in case of network interaction.

  • October 20, 2015

    Domain names in the .РУС zone

    Domain. РУС waits for Russian and foreign rightholders until November 6, 2015. For them, the leading Russian registrars provide special conditions in the framework of the promotion «.РУС Domain— for rightholders». Trademark owners will receive a 15% discount when contacting Webnames.ru, REG.RU and RU-CENTER.  

  • October 08, 2015

    Open sale of .БЕЛ domains started in Belarus

    The third stage of domain registration has started in the Cyrillic zone .БЕЛ. Belarusians can already get their Cyrillic domain starting from 00:01 on October 1. To do this, simply select the domain on the site of the accredited registrar and pay for the service in a convenient way. 

  • September 23, 2015

    1С-Bitrix Installation

    Dear clients!  

    We present you a new feature - installation of 1C-Bitrix on a virtual server. The installation process is carried out by our technical experts and is absolutely free for you. 

    To order this service you just need to contact our technical support. 

    In addition, we published detailed instructions in our WiKi

  • August 31, 2015

    Technical works in domains .MOSCOW and .МОСКВА

    On September 1, 2015, from 12:00 to 15:00 Moscow time request acception for registration and other operations in the registry of the .MOSCOW and .МОСКВА domains will be suspended for scheduled work.  

  • August 19, 2015

    Security Patch for ISPmanager 4

    Today a security patch was released for ISPmanager 4.

    We recommend that you upgrade ISPmanager 4 to version This can be done in the Help - Updates section.

    Now the DenyAuthUIDRanges parameter can be added to the panel configuration file. 

  • August 12, 2015

    In tune with the times!

    We are pleased to announce that new distributions are available for installation on a VPS.
    Now you can order a server based on OpenVZ virtualization with the following pre-installed images:

    Debian 8 x86-64-minimal

    Debian 8 amd64-ispmgr5(ispmanager5 integrated panel)

    Centos 7 x86_64

    Ubuntu 14.04-i386

    Also, these distributions have replenished our collection of existing ones in the server control panel (link) http://ve.planetahost.ru/vemgr. At any time with just a few clicks, you can install one of the 14 available operating systems. Virtual server management has never been that easy.

  • August 05, 2015

    Изменение стоимости на услугу "Аренда лицензий Microsoft"

    Dear clients!
    We would like to inform you that from August 05, 2015, the cost of tariff plans for «Microsoft licenses rental» services was changed in accordance with contract clause 11.2.
    We draw attention to the fact that changes for existing customers will take effect from September 05, 2015 for services already ordered.  

  • July 29, 2015

    .РФ Domain

    .РФ Domain for 145 rub. Select domain.

    .РФ Domain is the national Cyrillic domain of the Russian Federation.  At May 12 it was 5 years old.   The number of registered names in it already has more than 830 thousand, and the growth of registrations is constantly continuing. 

  • July 24, 2015


    From September 2, 2015 domains in the .KY zone (Cayman Islands) will be available for registration to everyone. This was reported by the Information and Communication Technologies Authority of the Cayman Islands (ICTA).

    Currently, registration of .KY domains is available only to individuals and legal entities that are residents of the Cayman Islands, though free of charge. According to the new rules, the domain in .KY will be available for registration to anyone from anywhere, but for a registration fee.

  • July 03, 2015

    BILLmanager mobile application

    ISPsystem has released the BILLmanager mobile app under the Android OS for managing services in its personal account.

    Mobile client will improve the convenience of remote work with the BILLmanager 5 business automation platform (for users with a "client" access level).

    Get real-time information about the balance of your account, make payments, and create and respond to tickets directly from your mobile device, regardless of where you are.

    You can download the application on Google Play by the link.

  • June 04, 2015

    Big update of wiki.planetahost.ru

    Our technical support portal wiki.planetahost.ru has received another update. There are new useful articles and a separate section for the "Dedicated Server" service. Now, using the materials of our Wikipedia, you can solve many problems and speed up the resolution of incidents.

    In particular, there were added articles:

    Difference between SATA, SAS and SSD drives

    How to identify a server hardware malfunction

    Network diagnostics

    Quick Guide to Combat DDOS Attacks

    Using mod security to block DDoS attacks

    VDS load reducing methods

    Ordering an additional IP address for a virtual private server

    ISPmanager gives the error: Error: account does not exist

  • May 29, 2015

    Low-balance sms notification

    SMS-notification when balance is low
    In our billing, the functionality of automatic SMS-informing about a low balance was implemented.
    SMS notification will help to avoid an unexpected stop of the service in the case when it is not possible to check the email in time.
    Informing via SMS is carried out at 11:30 Moscow time on the contact phone number indicated in the Personal Account 2 days before the balance approaches zero.

  • April 22, 2015

    New arrivals of servers for rent

    New server configurations available for rent:

    - Intel Core i3-4130 2 cores, 3400 MHz   8 Gb 2x500 Gb

    - Intel Xeon E3-1220v3 4 cores, 3400 MHz  16 Gb 2x1000 Gb 

    - Intel Xeon E3-1240v3 4 cores, 3800 MHz 32 Gb 2x2000 Gb 

    Xeon E5-2620v2 6 cores, 2600 MHz 32 Gb 2x2000 Gb

    Read more in section "Dedicated server rental".


  • April 08, 2015

    Discount system

    We are pleased to announce that a new discount system is available for the «Server Colocation» service. When paying for the year, you get a 20% discount on the monthly cost of the service. In addition, for new customers planning to host our server, a 50% discount is provided for the first month. 

  • March 25, 2015

    Lower prices for OpenVZ virtual servers.

    Anti-crisis offer! 

    We return the prices of 2014 to the line of "OpenVZ Virtual Server"tariff plans.

    Virtual server for only 149 rubles!  

    The offer is valid from March 25, 2015.


  • January 15, 2015

    Upgrading ISPmanager to version 5

    Dear customers, we inform you that ISPsystem has released a new generation of control panel ISPmanager 5.

    During the month, from January 15 to February 15, you have the opportunity to switch from the old version of the panel to the new one absolutely for free. To upgrade to the new version you need to contact our technical support.

    ISPmanager 4 control panel is no longer supported. You can continue to work on it, but updates and bug fixes are no longer released.


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